The Slide Machine

What would life be like if we lived life like kids do on the playground? I am actually sitting here at the playground as I write this. If I hit send before I am done, it is because one of my boys just jumped on my neck while I wasn't looking. It is in the mall and it is Christmas time. Needless to say, the whole thing is a fire hazard. Crazy part is there are about 30 to 40 kids on about 800 square feet and they seem to make it work.
I am watching the kids standing in a free formed line for the slide. No playground monitors. Just parents taking a break from their Christmas shopping. Although there is a line, some kids are moving a little faster and make there way around the line - others are a little more tentative and take their time - others just chit chat while in line and I haven't seen go down the slide yet. But, it works. No kids complaining. Just playin'. Every once in a while an overprotective mom will come and closely monitor while her little princess slides down -all the kids pause... - and then the slide machine continues.
Sometimes in my life, things just move smoothly and flow like the "slide machine." But, most of the time it doesn't. Most of the time I am analyzing too closely if I am at my rightful place in line. Wouldn't it be a great place to be just to play your part within the flow? That slide line would have been a nightmare to try and organize. But, as a freeflowing group of kids it just worked.
I want to do my part in a way that maximizes my potential while not hindering but maximizing the potential of others.
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. - 1 Corinthians 12:17