Top 10 funniest moments from my boys this year

I know half of my Facebook friends are out partying tonight. The other half are like me playing pictionary with the fam watching everybody doze off as midnight draws near. Some of my best memories this year are from being a dad. Here are my top 10. Please, feel free to share yours. 

10. Getting to school and realizing the boys accidentally put the others clothes on as one was holding his pants up and the other's pants looked ready for extremely high waters. 

9. Little E taking a tip from Big E's baseball practice and doing push-ups right over home plate before he takes his at bat. 

8. Little E chasing down an older kid on his older brother's soccer team because he was being mean to his older brother. 

7. When Little E said he wanted to marry his mom. 

6. When Big E had to do more laps than anybody else on his basketball team because their coach (me) made them do a lap every time they dribbled right away after catching a pass. I guess his dad should have taught him better. ;)

5. When Big E realized with his very analytical mind that it was better to send his little brother to ask for things (candy, video games, etc) because it gave a higher probability of receiving a yes. 

4. Big E selling the most ornaments for the Christmas fundraiser at the school. This is just funny because you see the apple does not fall far from the tree. 

3. Both boys asking for Mikuni as their personal choice for their family Birthday dinner. 

2. Little E leading at backstroke during the swim meet only to turn on his stomach for the second half of the leg to be able to see if a shark was coming. 

1. When I asked little E if he was ready to tell the truth and he said, "Not yet."

There. Now share some of yours!

No Pause Button

I missed writing this blog. So, I am starting again. Yes, it is unashamedly about my two boys. It is my excuse to write about whatever I want with amusing stories about them as the backdrop. It has actually been a couple of years since I left it. But, the stories have been piling up. So, enjoy!

Little E was playing on the Kinect the other day and I told him he needed to get his shoes and coat on so we could leave the house. He started to walk away from the xbox. Big E started to grab the controller to pause the game. Little E reassured him, "Don't worry. When I walk away it pauses itself."  We were watching an old movie - Chitty, Chitty, bang bang - the other night. In the middle of the movie it actually had a part that was in many movies made in that time period. It had an intermission. Little E was curious what the screen said. We explained to him that an intermission was a time when people paused to use the restroom or get a snack. It must have seemed odd considering he could have pressed the pause button at any time on the remote.

Now I resume this blog. It is two years later. My youngest just turned seven and my oldest is about to turn nine. Where is the pause button?! Sometimes, I wish there was one. But, when I really think about it, I change my mind. Because, aren't the best movies the ones where you are so entranced by the story that you are right there in the moment waiting expectantly for the next scene? Home (iPhone) movies are great. But, there is nothing better than seeing the story unfold live. Pay attention! You could miss the best scene.