Comfort At Bed Time

It seems a lot of these memorable moments with "E" happen at bed time. I think part of it is because his speaking is less filtered when he is tired. But, I think he is also trying to be really creative in order to stay awake a little longer. Whatever the reason, it makes for memorable stories.
One night, "E" was having difficulty getting to sleep. I went in his room to settle him and laid on the floor next to his bedside. At the age of 3 he usually was okay if I just came and laid there for a few minutes while he fell asleep. Attempting to be a gracious and loving father, I offered to let him hold my hand. He would often tell me he was scared at night and I would come into his bedroom to comfort him. Sometimes I would stay with him, hold his hand, or give him a stuffed animal or some type of toy. This evening I was trying to be proactive by asking him to hold my hand before he told me he was frightened. So, showing him I was in need of consolation I said, “'E', will you hold my hand?” Without skipping a beat "E" said, “Dad, I can get you an animal or something.” "E" was now comforting me! I am not sure what I said after that. It was probably something like, “No, Thank You or Yes, I will take the T-Rex”
I learned from that evening that an offering of service to another is only valuable if it is desired by the party you are offering it to. "E" did not know or feel like he needed me to hold his hand at that moment. So, when I offered it or asked for it actually, he declined. Be careful who you approach with “needed” correction or advice for situations that you think you have the obvious answer for. This is despite how “Wise" or "Biblical" your answer may be. If they do not see the need for it, they will not receive it. With "E" and I this was just a funny story to put in the memory banks. But, a relationship can be damaged with a mouth that is quick to speak with what seem to be obvious solutions for others who are not ready to hear it.
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." - Matthew 7:6 (New International Version of the Bible)
If you know they are not ready to hear it, don't say it to make yourself feel better.

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